The 2025 edition of the Dutton Law Group Insurance Manual was prepared by firm attorneys for the use of the claims professionals they serve…

Insurance Manual & Newsletter
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The 2025 edition of the Dutton Law Group Insurance Manual was prepared by firm attorneys for the use of the claims professionals they serve. Although great effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and currency of this Manual, the reader is cautioned that statutes and court rules change frequently, especially in the areas of tort and insurance law. The reader should also be mindful that research on any point is not complete until reference is made to the case law or other controlling authorities. Caution is therefore advised in the use of the manual as a sole source of legal authority. Only if this Manual is used as an adjunct to the case law, other controlling authorities, and the advice of counsel will it serve the purpose for which it is intended.
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The overall legal landscape is constantly evolving and insurance law is certainly not exempt as a result of changes to statutes and judicial interpretation. The firm’s e-newsletter is designed to help insurance claims professionals stay in step with recent developments in the law by providing insight and perspective regarding these changes as well as providing a solid understanding of the complexities and nuances involved in the Insurance Defense arena.